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NFS 7: Nominierung für E3 Award Dienstag, 27.05.2003
Heute wurde die Nominierungen der E3 Awards (Best of E3 2003) bekannt gegeben. Need for Speed Underground wurde "nur" in der Kategorie "Bestes Rennspiel" nominiert. Die Konkurrenten sind F-Zero GX, Gran Turismo 4, Mario Kart: Double Dash und Project Gotham Racing 2.
Die Gewinner werden am Dienstag, dem 10. Juni bekannt gegeben.

» E3 Awards
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IGN E3 Award für Porsche Unleashed (GBA) Freitag, 23.05.2003
Auch IGN hat eine Liste der (aus ihrer Sicht) besten Spiele der E3 veröffentlicht. Need for Speed Underground wird zwar kaum erwähnt, aber Porsche Unleashed auf dem Gameboy Advance (entwickelt von Pocketeers) konnte in der Kategorie "Technological Excellence" überzeugen.

We've been talking about Pocketeer's 3D engine since the team started on it well over a year ago, and it was great to finally see it in action over at DSI Games' booth in the form of Porsche Unleashed. Though the game was still in its early stages, it showed serious promise as it featured one of the smoothest all-3D engines seen yet on the GBA. We saw a lot of other impressive 3D engines off the record from development teams stopping by our booth, but since they had yet to be incorporated into a publishable game design, we couldn't include them here.

» IGNpocket's Best of E3 2003
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NFS 7: Gamespy E3 Award Freitag, 23.05.2003
Gamespy hat virtuelle Awards an Spiele verteilt, die den Redakteuren vor Ort auf der E3 am besten zugesagt haben. Darunter auch Need for Speed Underground, das mit Rang 6 einen recht guten Platz belegt.

The Need For Speed games have always been one of EA's most reliable franchises. The formula's usually quite simple: expensive motorcars + lush scenery + insane velocity = good fun. This version, though, marks a departure for the series. Rather than the circuit courses common in previous versions, NFS Underground is rooted solidly in the world of illegal street racing. Players will get to tweak dozens of licensed real-world vehicles from companies like Honda, Mitsubishi, Ford and Toyota, and drive them through the city streets.

» NFS Underground - Gamespy E3 Artikel<br>
» ND4SPDWorld (Quelle)
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NFS 7: Preview auf gP Mittwoch, 21.05.2003
Auch Gamer's Pulse hat ein kurzes Preview von Need for Speed Underground geschrieben:

» NFS Underground Preview @ gP
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NFS 7: First Look @ EAGames Dienstag, 20.05.2003
Etwa ungewöhnlich, aber doch interessant: EAGames hat von der E3 einen First Look des kommenden Spiels Need for Speed Underground geschrieben:

First Look: Need for Speed Underground

By: The Editor at

On the first day of E3 the EA booth was loud and in charge of the Los Angeles Convention Center’s South Hall.

A majority of the games we’re showcasing here were playable by all booth attendees but only a few were able to witness the next Need for Speed behind closed doors. Need for Speed Underground, while still based on the engine behind Hot Pursuit 2 engine, looks absolutely amazing and while we can’t show you a movie of game we saw (we’re working on that though), we can give you an idea of what we experienced.

The Need for More Speed
The demo featured a heavily modified car tearing down the streets of a sprawling urban concrete jungle at 160-180mph. And while other racing games have featured racing in downtown scenes, Need for Speed Underground was built to showcase a sense of neck breaking speed. That sense of speed was completely planned as the team added designer Habib Zaragarpour, best known as the guy at ILM who created pod-racing scene in Star Wars Episode 1, to turn that goal into a reality. Right now, the game is only 25% complete but you’d never know it by seeing it run on a PlayStation 2. We were shown a night scene after a rainstorm; puddles reflected the lights of the avenue, as did the highly reflective sports car. The details are nice but Need for Speed Underground completely changes with acceleration. Streetlights, lampposts and anything else on the sides of the road take on a blurred high-speed feel as your focus narrows on the road as your speedometer climbs ever faster. It’s a great effect and after talking to a few show attendees, they can't wait to race the dark streets of Underground.

Different Wheels, Different Rides
The biggest change to the next Need for Speed is that it won’t feature the exotic cars from Ferrari, Lamborghini, and McLaren. Need for Speed Underground will instead feature "urban exotics", basically down to earth sports cars that anyone can buy and resculpt into their vision of perfection. Drivers can expect the latest wheels from the likes of Subaru, Toyota, and others major manufacturers. Undoubtedly, switching from exotics to urban exotics is a controversial decision that some purists may not enjoy. But the Need for Speed team says that it has not abandoned exotics for "urban exotics" and expects that future products will feature exotics once again.

Once racers have their wheels, they can start street racing for fast profits and all the best parts. Those parts will change the look of the car and how that car will handle. In many other racing games, you’re given a few options that change the suspension and the tires but in Need for Speed Underground, you’ll be able to change specific parts for just about anything. Change the hood, change the wheels, change the bumpers, ad some decals, tricks out the ground effects… this will make for an amazing amount of variation. Those parts will also change the way your car handles and the physics engine has been beefed up to better reflect those changes. In the real-time demo that we saw, our tricked out car spun our in an attempt to do a powerslide and we watched as the car lurched a little as the suspension kept the car in on the road. It’s an amazing effect that you just have to see.

Got Wheels?
With all the details, we had to ask who on staff had the most tricked out car and it appears that one of the artists easily wins that award. But since they began the project, there have been a few converts as the team considers possible upgrades for their favorite wheels.

For now, gamers will have to wait until early next year to experience Need for Speed Underground, but stay tuned to and for more information about this upcoming game.

» NFS Underground First Look @ EA Games<br>
» ND4SPDWorld (Quelle)
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NFS 7: First Look @ Sonntag, 18.05.2003
Das Onlinemagazin (und gleichzeitig Hoster von NFS-Planet) konnte auf der E3 Expo einen Blick auf Need for Speed Underground werfen. Dem First-Look Artikel lassen sich ein paar interessante Fakten entnehmen, wie zum Beispiel dass als Releasedatum März 2004 geplant ist. Auch dass es ein Schadensmodell geben wird, das im Moment allerdings erst zu 20% umgesetzt ist. Dieses wird wohl mehr bieten als das in NFS Hot Pursuit 2 (PC), allerdings vermutlich nicht allzuviele Auswirkungen auf das Fahrverhalten haben, da es sich bei dem Spiel um ein Arcade Rennspiel handelt.

» NFS Underground First Look @
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NFS 7: Eyes-On auf IGN Samstag, 17.05.2003
Das Onlinemagazin IGN hat wieder im Rahmen der E3 einen Blick auf das kommende Spiel Need for Speed Underground geworfen:

Devleoped by Black Box, Need for Speed Underground is completely re-writing the NFS franchise script. Underground gets rid of the $100,000 cars and brings a Fast and Furious attitude to EA racing. The demo, which showcased a 25% complete game, showed off both the customization options in Underground and the speed.
On the customization tip, Underground not only features cars from Honda, Hondai, Toyota, Acura, Subaru and others, it also includes 40 licensed after-market parts companies to fully trick out your ride. With 4 vinyl layers to edit and 30 spots on your car to lay down decals, gamer's will have complete ability to make the care they want.

» NFS Underground Eyes-On @ IGN<br>
» ND4SPDWorld (Quelle)
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NFS 7: Offizielle NFS webseite aktualisiert Freitag, 16.05.2003
Die offizielle Need for Speed Seite ist aktualisiert worden. Es gibt nun ein neues Layout, und man kann noch weiterhin die NFS Hot Pursuit 2 Seite betreten. Es wird allerdings bereits darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass an der Need for Speed Underground Seite gearbeitet wird.

» Offizielle Need for Speed Webseite
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NFS 7: 5 neue Screenshots Freitag, 16.05.2003
Electronic Arts hat 5 neue Screenshots von Need for Speed Underground veröffentlicht. Zwei davon sind vor kurzem schon auf IGN zu sehen gewesen, allerdings als Xbox Screenshots, jedoch sind bis jetzt laut EA nur Bilder der PS2 Version erschienen.

» NFS 7: Screenshots
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NFS 7: 3 neue Screenshots Mittwoch, 14.05.2003
Auf IGN sind zu dem Interview von Chuck Osieja zwei neue Screenshots der Xbox Version von Need for Speed Underground erschienen. Der dritte Screenshot stammt direkt von EA.

» NFS 7: Screenshots
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