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NFSU2: Patch in the works! Thursday, 24.02.2005
I just got a note from Electronic Arts, which says that there will be a patch for Need for Speed Underground 2 (PC):

As I know many of you are curious, there is a patch in the works for Underground 2 on PC. (Sorry, no console patching, just the PC version.)

The patch is currently in CQC undergoing testing. I don't have an exact date for release, but given we're trying to coordinate this release for all applicable territories, it's taking a couple weeks. Now for the info you've all been waiting for, what the patch will fix.

1) A fix for the nVidia 6800. Currently it performs worse than the ATI X800 but it should be faster (and is, post patch ;)

2) A fix for the crash reported on Me/98 where A creates a room (default circuit, also in all following cases), B joins, B leaves and creates a room, A leaves and joins B's room. B selects A and does a view track map. The game crashes.

3) A patch to how players convicted of cheating are treated. What we will now do is have the game cram 0 into the counter of the number of times the player has been convicted of cheating. That number is used to alter the color of the players name on the UI as their percentage of cheats to total races increases. It will *not* stop the cheat detection from working. Players will still get disqualified, and the cheat detection code will still run. "Chronic" cheaters just wont be visible to others when they join a game.

4) A fix to the hosting of LAN games. An internet connection is no longer required to host LAN games.

Apart from the patch, we can continue to adjust the servers cheat detection to try and limit the number of false disqualifications we are getting.

As soon as we get new information, we'll let you know here.

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NFSU2: New Artworks of the DS-Version Thursday, 24.02.2005
As we reported, Need for Speed Underground 2 is being developed for the Nintendo DS. The game should be released in April 29th, 2005. Our french affiliate has some new artworks and pictures of the storyboard:

» NFSU2: Artworks @
» Order Nintendo DS at
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NFSUR: New infos & Videos Tuesday, 22.02.2005
NFS Underground RivalsThe onlinemagazine IGN visited Electronic Arts and could test an early version of Need for Speed Underground Rivals for the PSP.

They concentrate very much on the multiplayer mode, where up to 16 players can meet in a lobby and race against each other. The whole system works wireless, it's even possibly to play against opponents on other floors.

EA's key feature regarding its wireless games is its in-depth stats management system. When you play wireless games, it's for keeps. Using the vast storage space of the PlayStation Portable (the minimum card SCE is selling for the system is a 32MB Memory Stick Duo -- a PS2 Memory Card is only 8MB, so that's a heck of a lot of room for saves), each EA game stores eternal stats for head-to-head play. It depends on the game exactly what stats are saved -- basics like win/loss records and points scored are kept in each -- but it won't matter how many players you've matched up against, as the player ID of anybody and everybody you play with is stored and used for progressive stats with ensuing matches.

Stats are one thing, but EA has added a second feature that changes up the challenge a bit. We'll call the feature the "Owned" mark -- the actual term used differs between each of the games, but the concept is the same: if you lose, you've gotten "Owned". Similar to the viral mark of Majesco's Infected, your PSP will be stamped by a mark saying that you've gotten "Owned" by another player, and the only way to erase the branding is to beat them in a match. The feature adds a second mark of ranking to the Match-Up lobby in each game -- your win/loss record may be strong, but if you've let another get the best of you in the last match, the challenger will see exactly how many people have "Owned" you. You'd better not be nice and let your girl win ... it'll come back to haunt you.

Additionally IGN got some new movies, which you can find here:

» NFSUR: Videos @ IGN
» NFSUR: Article @ IGN
» Order Sony Playstation Portable @
» Preorder NFS Underground Rivals (for PSP) @
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Note regarding Showcase Contest Monday, 21.02.2005
Our Showcase Contest runs already a week and until now there is an amazing number of more than 700 cars online! Unfortunately we could not unlock every car, so please take a look at the following guidelines:

- Basically changes of the layout in a graphic program are allowed, but not the re-texturing of the cars. This also affects words or logos painted on the car using a graphic program!

- Implementation of external graphics (like for example pictures of women) are not allowed. The most important thing in the picture should be the car. ;)

- It is not forbidden using pictures of cars which are on that street, but please make sure the cars are mainly visible and don't show only the hood or something like that.

- Pictures which are too small or too dark won't be unlocked, as well as pictures with unneeded white borders, as they appear at an inappropriate use of "Paint". Before you upload a picture, please make sure they look good. After all, you want good ratings, right? ;)

- Cars, where you haven't selected the right type, won't be unlocked.

- In general: If your car hasn't been unlocked after 24 hours, it was presumably rejected. In this case, please check your pictures again, before you try a new upload. You can view your unlocked cars under the link "My Cars".

In this spirit, I wish you a lot of fun with the Showcase and good luck with the contest. :)
Don't forget to vote the cars fair and objective.

» NFSU2: Showcase Contest
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NFSUR: EA Pocket Trax Monday, 21.02.2005
NFS Underground RivalsEA has been jamming its games full of music for years now, and with its EA Trax feature, they took it a step further by allowing gamers their choice of dozens of songs out of a game's soundtrack. The EA Trax feature is now coming to the company's PSP games, and with Pocket Trax, EA is going further still with some cool features that make use of Sony's new handheld.

EA Pocket Trax will not feature only a personal playlist, but because of the 1.8 GB UMD EA wants to play a music video or visualization when selecting a song.
Although the tunes will not be playable in the PSP's Music menu on the XMB dashboard, you can have the system play all the tracks in a row (there isn't a play-all button, but once you're in the Pocket Trax mode, the tunes will play through.) Standard battery saving features, depending on your personal settings, will also kick in or manually available so that you can turn the screen off and toss the system in your backpack to run the game's music as if it's on your own MP3 playlist.

EA is currently developing the game Need for Speed Underground Rivals for the PSP, which will be released on March 21st.

» Order Sony Playstation Portable @
» Preorder NFS Underground Rivals (for PSP) @
» (Source)
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Info: Community Race Part 2 Sunday, 20.02.2005
The first Community Race was a complete success with around 30 racers participating. So NFBS decided to organise a second event and hope to increase that number still further. The 2nd Community Race will be held on the 5th of March at 10:00pm (GMT+1). Come along and experience again the excitement of the greatest racing game ever made!

» NFS HS Online Guide
» Topic @ NFBS board
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NFS U: Arcade Version for gamerooms Wednesday, 16.02.2005
NFS UndergroundThe "Coin-Op"-developer Global VR already made a sit-down version of Need for Speed GT, and now they want to release an arcade version of Need for Speed Underground.
The coin-op version of NFS Underground, hitting gamerooms this March, will feature circuit- and dragraces. The driftmode will be available in an future software update. You can race against computer enemies or over LAN against friends. The cabinets can be wired to the internet, which means that the best times can be recorded in an international ranking list. The cabinet features force feedback steering, as well as an accurate six gear manual shifter .

» Global VR
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NFSU2: Cheats-Section extended Wednesday, 16.02.2005
NFS Underground 2Because of the high demand I extended the Cheats-Section of Need for Speed Underground 2. Now you can find new cheats for the console versions (PS2, Xbox und Gamecube).

» NFSU2: Cheats
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NFSU2: Showcase Contest Monday, 14.02.2005
NFS Underground 2In Need for Speed Underground 2 there are many possibilities to design and modify your own car by placing vinyls, decals and tuning parts. Until now, on NFS-Planet it was only possible to show your cars in our discussion board. But this should change now, because in our new opened Showcase you can upload screenshots of your cars and show it to your friends. Furthermore we start a contest which runs until March 6th, 2005. If you car is among the best-rated cars on this date, you have the chance to win one of the following prizes:

- 2x Mazda RX-7 miniature car
- 2x NFS Underground 2 cap
- 10x NFS Underground 2 calendar2005

Note: Only registered members can upload their cars.

I have to admit, when I worked on the script, I orientated myself a little bit on the "original" Showroom at our affiliate site NFSUnlimited. Please pay them a visit. :)

» NFSU2: Showcase Contest
» Member Registrierung
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NFSU2: EA asks for Feedback Saturday, 12.02.2005
NFS Underground 2Recently I got a mail vom EA, that they need a feedback of the onlinemode in Need for Speed Underground 2. As it seems it won't be for a patch for NFSU2, but your comments and suggestions could flow into the next NFS part.
If you speak a little bit german, please answer in our boards, otherwise just post your opinion in the comments:

1. What do consumers not like about the current experience?
2. What do you want enhanced or improved upon in a future game
- How would you prioritize these improvements?

» Thread in our discussion board (german)
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