
BMW M3 Challenge - Applications Period has started Montag, 15.10.2007
BMW M3 ChallengeLast month BMW released the freeware-game BMW M3 Challenge. After some weeks training time the online-challenge is starting soon, where you can win some great prizes:

The official contest starts on October 26th and offers attractive prizes for the "the fastest of the fast"! In addition to an extremely powerful, new generation Dell XPSTM gamer laptop for the winner, finalists can look forward to an authentic reproduction of the "BMW Sauber F1 Team" steering wheel for PC from Intel and Logitech, as well as an autographed original racing suit from "BMW Sauber F1 Team" driver Nick Heidfeld and other valuable prizes!

The application period at runs until the 19th of October, after which more of 1,000 international participants will be drawn by lot from the applicant pool. Close to 100 races will determine the best driver in a shootout process with the winner moving on to the next round, where they will have to face ever more difficult conditions. Races vary from between 5 and 25 rounds in length. In an exciting finale at the beginning of January the finalists will battle it out live for the title of "M3 Challenge World Champion"!

You can find more information about the online-challenge here:

» BMW M3 Challenge

» Preorder Need for Speed ProStreet at
» Preorder Need for Speed ProStreet at
 Shocker Kommentare (2)

#2: von NfsProStreet (17.10.2007 06:52) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
i have-

i have.

I hope that NFS Pro Street is much better than carbon,cause i think that carbon is wack!

#1: von kavit (16.10.2007 21:35) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
has any1 signed up


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