
NFS UC: iPhone Preview at IGN Sonntag, 02.11.2008
NFS UndercoverThe onlinemagazine IGN published a preview of Need for Speed Undercover for the iPhone. In this short text they talk about the graphics and steering in this special version:

Undercover uses the accelerometer for steering. To accelerate, you tip the device forward. However, you don't need to tip it too far for hit the gas, something I was concerned about. Too many iPhone games ask you to physically tilt the phone away from your face. Steering left and right via tilting the phone was very responsive. I was able to get around some nice sweeping turns right away without too much of an adjustment period. (Slamming into other cars was another story, though.) You use on-screen virtual buttons to control drift, nitro, and pause the action. These buttons are out of the way of the racing, up in the top corners of the screen and were just as responsive as the tilt steering.

Additionally they have some new screenshots of the little brother version of NFS Undercover for the iPhone:

» iPhone Preview @ IGN

» Order Need for Speed Undercover at
» Order Need for Speed Undercover at
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