
NFS HP: Hands-On and Video-Walkthrough Mittwoch, 16.06.2010
NFS Hot PursuitAfter the » presentation of Need for Speed Hot Pursuit slowly the first videos and reports are coming in:

Here you can see a 1 vs 1 race, which was played at the presentation at the E3:

» Gametrailers was able to play Need for Speed Hot Pursuit themselves and show you the game in a walkthrough-video.

The onlinegamazone » Gamespot sat down with producer Craig Sullivan and gives you more details on the game in their hands-on article.

The game focuses on two different playable classes--the cop and the racer. The relationship will be "like a dog chasing down a rabbit," according to Sullivan. He said, "We want the racer to feel like the rabbit, and the cop to feel like the dog." Like the dog, the cop is more powerful--not only will police cars be faster, they also won't take damage. Racers actually have it pretty tough in comparison--they'll have more speed and stealth-related power-ups, but they'll take damage every time a cop car hits them. Like the rabbit, the racer should feel vulnerable to attack and will have to outsmart the cop to survive.

Additionally » IGN wrote a first preview of NFS Hot Pursuit:

The thrill of the chase is intoxicating within itself, thanks to an exhilarating sense of speed that's amplified by a rechargeable nitrous boost and some sublime handling. It's initially galling, especially to anyone schooled in Burnout's own unique model, and is much weightier than Criterion's past games. The low-slung Lamborghinis soon reveal themselves to be a delight to throw around, swinging their plump posteriors around corners simple yet satisfying.

It runs deeper than that though, and there's a surprising level of nuance to the chase. The win states are self explanatory – for the chaser, it's about pummelling the suspect into submission, and for them it's just about getting away. Power-ups add strategy; the d-pad houses four of them, ranging from the cop deploying a helicopter to keep eyes on the suspect or calling in a road block to a radar jamming device that renders the mini-map useless and an EMP blast that temporarily immobilises the opponent.

» Gametrailers Walkthrough Video
» NFS Hot Pursuit Hands-On @ Gamespot
» NFS Hot Pursuit Preview @ IGN
 Shocker Kommentare (4)

#4: von Phantom1CJ (30.06.2010 12:49) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
I can't believe that there is no tuning parts for the vehicle. Although the tuning parts becomes less and less, but it can't be none! I hope there will be a tuning part DLC or more tuning parts in NFS 15

#3: von FedskaTheOne (17.06.2010 22:08) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden Webseite
Yes, all those who started to play NFS from underground 2 can start crying . I played Hot Pursuit (first one) with my friend in split screen, and it was so fun, simple costumizing like acceleration/top speed, stiff/hard suspension etc. and it was more than enough


#2: von UltimateGTR (17.06.2010 19:17) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
After so many years of customize era, it's time to get back to the roots and start growing again, this is healthly for the development of NFS!

#1: von FedskaTheOne (17.06.2010 12:46) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden Webseite
I love this game already. I don't care about the fact that you won't be able to costumize your car, just get in and race


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