
Info: EA Seattle closed Mittwoch, 23.10.2002
Recently the Electronic Arts studio in Seattle has been closed, due to concentrate the development of driving games in EA Canada:

EA's recent decision to concentrate development of driving games to our studio in Vancouver will have no significant impact on the service and maintenance of Motor City Online. Your game should not be disrupted by the move. While Motor City Online was created in our Seattle studio, much of the maintenance -- marketing, servers, etc -- was moved from that studio shortly after the game launched last year.

EA Canada is our worldwide studio headquarters and the world's largest and most technically advanced game studio As a result of this move, development on franchises like Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit and the driving levels of games like James Bond 007: NightFire will take place at EA Canada. Some of the employees from EA Seattle have taken positions at EA Canada. Others will be offered positions elsewhere in the company or offered severance and outplacement assistance.

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