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Shift 2 Unleashed Driver Blog - Vaughn Gittin Jr. Donnerstag, 24.02.2011
Shift 2 UnleashedDer Rennfahrer und Drifter Vaughn Gittin Jr. hat auf Speedhunters einen neuen Artikel geschrieben, auf dem er näher auf seinen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung von Shift 2 Unleashed eingeht, natürlich mit Hauptfokus auf Drifting.

Mustang RTR-X

There have been a lot of changes to Drifting in the game. We really focused on overall fun factor! With fun in mind, we swayed away from professional drifting competitions and tandem battles, instead concentrating on just going out and having the track to yourself to get crazy on. You can hotlap any track in the game as much as you want without the annoyance of being restarted just when you start getting in the groove. I expect everyone to be thrilled with the refined drift feel and how fun it is, even for the first time players. [...]

There's also an all new "drift park" called the Nevada Freight Depot. I really pushed hard for an area where players can get familiar with their cars and learn the dynamics of drifting with very little boundaries. This ended up being a perfect place to learn and once you get the hang of drifting, it is a great place to go and freestyle and just have some fun! Hopefully we will have a real-life drift park in the future here in the States!

Ihr findet den kompletten Artikel hier:

» Shift 2 Unleashed Driver Blog - Vaughn Gittin Jr.

» Shift 2 Unleashed Limited Edition (PC-DVD) bei Amazon vorbestellen!
» Shift 2 Unleashed Limited Edition (PS3) bei Amazon vorbestellen!
» Shift 2 Unleashed Limited Edition (Xbox 360) bei Amazon vorbestellen!
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Shift 2 Unleashed: Pagani Huayra @ Speedhunters Montag, 21.02.2011
Shift 2 UnleashedDer Pagani Huayra wurde erst kürzlich angekündigt in Shift 2 Unleashed enthalten zu sein. Auf Speedhunters ist nun ein neuer Artikel erschienen, der ein bisschen auf den neuen Wagen eingeht und ein paar neue Screenshots und Wallpapers bietet.

Pagani Huayra

Ihr findet den Artikel hier:

» Shift 2 Unleashed: The Pagani Huayra @ Speedhunters
» Shift 2 Unleashed: Wallpapers @ Speedhunters

» Shift 2 Unleashed Limited Edition (PC-DVD) bei Amazon vorbestellen!
» Shift 2 Unleashed Limited Edition (PS3) bei Amazon vorbestellen!
» Shift 2 Unleashed Limited Edition (Xbox 360) bei Amazon vorbestellen!
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Shift 2 Unleashed: Mazda RX-7 FC3S Artikel auf Deutsch Sonntag, 13.02.2011
Shift 2 UnleashedDer lesenswerte Artikel über den Mazda RX-7 FC3S in Shift 2 Unleashed auf » Speedhunters war bisher leider nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar, doch unser Community-Mitglied EmilGlockner hat sich die Mühe gemacht den Text vollständig zu übersetzen, sodass ihr den Artikel hier bei uns nun auch auf Deutsch lesen könnt!

Mazda RX-7 FC3S

In dem Artikel wird auf den Mazda RX-7 FC3S, Drifting und das Tuning-System in Shift 2 Unleashed näher eingegangen. Ihr findet den kompletten Artikel hier:

» Shift 2 Unleashed: Vorstellung des Mazda RX-7 FC3S
» Englische Quelle: Introducing the FC3S @ Speedhunters

» Shift 2 Unleashed Limited Edition (PC-DVD) bei Amazon vorbestellen!
» Shift 2 Unleashed Limited Edition (PS3) bei Amazon vorbestellen!
» Shift 2 Unleashed Limited Edition (Xbox 360) bei Amazon vorbestellen!
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Shift 2 Unleashed: Mazda RX-7 FC3S Mittwoch, 09.02.2011
Shift 2 UnleashedNach dem lesenswerten Artikel über das Physik-System in Shift 2 Unleashed hat Rod Chong auf Speedhunters einen weiteren Artikel online gebracht, indem er den Mazda RX-7 FC3S näher beleuchtet.

Ihr findet den Artikel hier:

» Shift 2 Unleashed: Mazda RX-7 FC3S @ Speedhunters
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Shift 2 Unleashed: Das Physik-Modell Mittwoch, 02.02.2011
Shift 2 UnleashedAuf Speedhunters ist ein neuer Artikel erschienen, der detailliert auf das Physik-Modell in Shift 2 Unleashed eingeht.

So übernimmt EA direkt die CAD-Daten der Autohersteller um eine möglichst realistische Ausgangsbasis zu haben. Dann wurden namhafte Rennfahrer eingeladen um ihr Feedback zur Physik-Simulation zu geben.

Physics HUD

The Slightly Mad Studios crew are pretty hardcore car nuts and collectively have a lot of experience of taking high powered cars to track day events. But to really take things to a deeper level and get absolute verification of the in-game race experience we hooked them up with a few of our driving crew.

When it comes to advanced technology, the Shift physics system itself is second to none. It takes the actual suspension geometry that we receive from manufacturer CAD data and replicates the suspension components in 3D space. It is not some game producers "idea" of how a car should handle. Not at all, if you are say driving a Porsche 911 in game, then you are driving an actual 3D physics representation of that car based on CAD data. Within this driving experience though, we can layer on driving aids and tweak items like holistic track grip, tire slip angles and car setups. So there's a bit of wiggle room to push the difficulty levels and physics modes in to a few different directions.

Den kompletten Artikel findet ihr hier:

» Shift 2 Unleashed: On the Subject of Physics @ Speedhunters

» Shift 2 Unleashed Limited Edition (PC-DVD) bei Amazon vorbestellen!
» Shift 2 Unleashed Limited Edition (PS3) bei Amazon vorbestellen!
» Shift 2 Unleashed Limited Edition (Xbox 360) bei Amazon vorbestellen!
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Shift 2 Unleashed: Vorstellung der Felgen auf Speedhunters Freitag, 28.01.2011
Shift 2 UnleashedAuf Speedhunters ist ein neuer Artikel von Rod Chong erschienen, der als Creative Director an Need for Speed mitgearbeitet hat. In dem Artikel "Shift2 Unleashed>> Two Toyotas and a pile of rims" geht er auf die Variationen der Felgen im kommenden Shift 2 Unleashed.

Shift2 Rims

Der Fokus liegt auf dem alten Toyota Corolla AE86, aber es gibt auch Bilder des Toyota Supra.

» Shift2 Unleashed>> Two Toyotas and a pile of rims @ Speedhunters

» Shift 2 Unleashed Limited Edition (PC-DVD) bei Amazon vorbestellen!
» NFS Hot Pursuit Limited Edition (PS3) bei Amazon bestellen!
» Shift 2 Unleashed Limited Edition (Xbox 360) bei Amazon vorbestellen!
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Team Need for Speed gewinnt Dubai 24h Rennen! Dienstag, 18.01.2011
Das Team Need for Speed ist ein Zusammenschluss mehrerer Rennfahrer, die unter der Need for Speed Flagge fahren. Letzte Wochenende hat das Team einen bedeutenden Erfolg eingefahren und beim Dubai 24H Ausdauerrennen den ersten Platz gemacht! Mit einem Vorsprung von drei Runden konnten Sie sich von ihren Verfolgern absetzen und den Sieg sicher ins Ziel bringen.

Dubai 24H - Team NFS

Herzliche Gratulation an die Fahrer für diese besondere Leistung! Wenn ihr mehr erfahren wollt, sei euch die englischsprachige Berichterstattung auf Speedhunters ans Herz gelegt, oder ihr scrollt durch die Fotos auf der Need for Speed Facebook Seite.

Dubai 24H - Team NFS

» Dubai 24h @ Speedhunters
» Introducing Team Need for Speed
» Offizielle Webseite von Dubai 24h
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Team Need for Speed Drift Samstag, 24.07.2010
Mit dem neuen kurzen Film von Will Roegge werden Mad Mike und Matt Powers des Team Need for Speed vorgestellt. Das Video wurde bei den ersten beiden Runden der Formula Drift Series in Long Beach und Atlanta gedreht.

Ihr findet einen entsprechenden Artikel von Will Roegge auf Speedhunters.

» Introducing Team Need for Speed Drift @ Speedhunters
» Team NFS Videos
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Team Need for Speed - Silverstone Video Freitag, 11.06.2010
Team Need for Speed ist ein Zusammenschluss mehrerer Rennfahrer, mit Größen wie Vaughn Gittin Jr. (Drift/USA), Matt Powers (Drift/USA), Edward Sandström (GT Racing/Europa), Patrick Söderlund (GT Racing/Europa) und Mad Mike Whiddett (Drift/USA, Neuseeland, Japan).

Jetzt ist der erste Team Need for Speed Film für 2010 erschienen, das Patrick Söderlund und das Team Need for Speed FIA GT3 Team bei den ersten Rennen der 2010 GT3 Season zeigt: Silverstone!

Zum entsprechenden Artikel von Will Roegge gelangt ihr hier auf Speedhunters:

» Team Need for Speed Silverstone GT3 @ Speedhunters
» Team NFS Videos
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NFS World: Starter Pack FAQ Freitag, 04.06.2010
NFS World OnlineDas kürzlich angekündigte Starter Pack für Need for Speed World hat in der Community einige Fragen aufgeworfen und Diskussionen entzündet. Electronic Arts hat reagiert und uns zur Klärung der Dinge ein Starter Pack FAQ zugesandt, das hoffentlich ein paar Dinge klarstellen und Fragen beantworten kann:

Starter Pack FAQ

Since we announced the Need for Speed World Starter Pack we’ve received a lot of questions from the community about it. Hopefully this FAQ will answer your questions and clear up any misunderstandings / misconceptions around the Starter Pack

What is the Starter Pack?

Need for Speed World is a free-to-play online racing MMO. Players are able to download, install and play the game for as long as they want without spending any money. Players will be able to progress to driver level 10 but once they’ve reached that level, they will not be able to progress past it. They will be able to continue to play, for free, for as long as they want. In order to progress past level 10, the player must purchase the Starter Pack. In addition to being able to progress past driver level 10, players will also receive a bundle of items including:
  • $20 USD worth of SpeedBoost. This is $20 in virtual currency you can spend as you like in the game.
  • Bundle of Power Ups (available to all newly created drivers in an account)
  • One exclusive vehicle(available to all newly created drivers in an account)

Players who purchase the Starter Pack will not have an unfair advantage over those playing for free.

Our mission with Need for Speed World is to offer a large variety of playing styles for players who choose to pay as well as those playing for free. The experience of both groups of players must be fair and, above all, fun! We will never introduce a mechanic that provides a distinct advantage for those who purchase over those who choose to play for free. Further, the matchmaking system in use in Beta 6 is intended to match players into races against opponents with similar skills and cars. This philosophy applies across the whole game. It's our mission to continually improve and evolve the experience with you as our primary source of input.

The term Starter Pack implies that this is the first of many packs that we’ll have to buy. Is that the case?

No, the Starter Pack is a one-time purchase and once purchased you will not need to spend any more money. We will support Need for Speed World with regular free content updates, available to all players.

If I choose not buy this pack, what’s left for me to do after I reach driver level 10?

There will be lots to do in Need for Speed World for players who have not purchased the Starter Pack. Continue racing with your friends and/or anyone else playing the game, customize your cars, participate in Community events for the chance to win prizes etc… We invite you to play the game free for as long as you like from launch until we can either convince you with awesomeness or you give up on us. We'll keep tuning the experience and adding new ways to play based on your feedback.

What do I get if I pre-order the Starter Pack?

In addition to the item you receive as part of the Starter Pack (see above), you’ll also receive:
  • Guaranteed access to the remaining betas
  • A one week head-start (July 13-19) on playing Need for Speed World before it goes live with increased XP rewards
  • The ability to reserve your driver name before anyone else
  • VIP status on display in your driver profile
  • Depending on which retailer you pre-order the Starter pack from you’ll receive an exclusive car:

How much does the Starter Pack cost?

The Starter Pack costs $19.99 (USD), 14.99 GBP, 199 SEK or 19.99 EUR depending on where you live. Again, it’s a one-time purchase and you get a lot more than $20 worth of goods in the pack.

Where do I pre-order the Starter Pack?

The Starter Pack is available as a digital purchase from the EA Store or the retailers listed below:

- EA Store
- Direct 2 Drive
- Metaboli UK
- Nexway UK
- GamersGate UK
- Gamesload Germany

North America:
- EA Store
- Direct2Drive
- GameStop
- Best Buy
- Impulse

Will I be able to buy the Starter Pack in stores?

Currently the starter pack is available as a digital purchase only.

How can I pay for the Starter Pack?

Please check with each digital retailer partner to find out more about their respective payment options.
How long do I have to pre-order the Starter Pack?
The pre-order offer expires July 19, 2010 so if you are interested in pre-ordering the Starter Pack do it soon.

I don’t live in North America or Europe. Can I still pre-order the Starter Pack?

Need for Speed World will be available in the English and German languages at launch and will only be offered by participating digital retailers in territories that support those languages. The client will be available as a free download for anyone via

Hopefully this FAQ has answered all your questions. If you have any more questions, please feel free to email NFS Drew ( and he’ll be able to answer your questions.

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