
EA wants 'open gaming platform' Sonntag, 21.10.2007
Electronic ArtsUniform standards are always a wish of developers, not only in the gaming branche. Gerhard Florin, Senior Executive at Electronic Arts recently came up with this idea: "We want an open, standard platform which is much easier than having five which are not compatible."

No wonder, EA currently produces games for more than 14 different gaming systems, including consoles, portable devices and PCs. A standardization would help reducing the costs. In long-term he predicts that the set-top boxes will be more and more important in the future, as they include technology to deal with High Definition TV streams and access to the internet. In about 15 years they can be powerful enough to contain a standard gaming engine and the consumer can download the games from the web. To maintain individuality, there can be a Microsoft-, Sony- and Nintendo-Channel.

"You don't need an Xbox 360, PS3 or Wii - the consumer won't even realise the platform it is being played on.", he added.

Are Set-top boxes really the future? If we look at the current fight between HD-DVD and BluRay, Browser wars (IE vs. FF) or OS fights (Windows vs. Linux vs MacOS), I think it's quite unlikely that Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo will ever cooperate and create a single open gaming platform...

» Interview @ BBC News (Quelle)

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 Shocker Kommentare (3)

#3: von †TYRANICK†™ (21.10.2007 16:21) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden Webseite

Well currently there are laws (???) in place stating competition between reival would be nice to have 1 big huge ULTRA system that can play anything from 1960's cathode ray ociliscope games to 2022 1 billion pixil mega virtual universe kinda games...alas you'd be paying the company lol so in exess of £10,000 and £100's per title there's really no point.

Im a PC guy, and unless something magnanimus happens, its how am gonna stay =D


@ hasskA

W..T..F? lol some1 is high =p


#2: von HasskA (21.10.2007 07:56) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden Webseite

EA wake up and smell the flowers........ europeans aren't stupi like the americans we are more intresed in PC...... so launch already the pc demo you a*******( AQUESTION FOR THE PUBLIC HOW STUUPIDD CAN YOU BE IF YOU DON'T KNOWWHERE YOUR COUNTRY IS ON YOUR MAP ? TELL ME HOW STUPID::(((( MAN I AM A ROMANIAN AND I LEARN EVERY COUNTRY IN U.S.A, AFRICA EUROPE ASIA, SOUTH AMERICA))))) I'M OBLIGATED TO LEARN ALL THIS AND THEY DON'T KNOW WHERE THERE OWN COUNTRY IS ))))))) ((((:(:

ThE BaD BoY HasskA

#1: von RGCxTheKing (21.10.2007 03:24) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden Webseite
Wishful thinking, if they really want to ever get there they should start making NFS games multi platform compatible... so all gaming platforms can play against each other online no matter what you are using PC, X-box, PS3, Wii etc no matter but since they do not even have that it seems that there is a long way to go. And I agree with the last paragraph will cooperations as the once mentioned stop fighting any time soon? I don't think so either. There will always be the need of companies competing in the current economies at least and competing means they need something better something cheaper... So will see...

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