
NFS PS: Interview with Andrew Hahn Donnerstag, 13.09.2007
NFS Pro StreetThe onlinemagazine IGN was at the Games Convention Asia 2007 in Singapore and made an interview with Andrew Hahn, Producer at Need for Speed ProStreet. He doesn't talk about anything new - mainly the already known features of the game, like damage, smoke, the different modes and more...
In NFS ProStreet it's about mastering the different modes (Grip, Drift, Drag und Speedchallenge), in order to challenge and defeat the showdown-king Rio Watanabe.

An interesting note is the following though:

"Well, one of the main differences and philosophies in terms of development we've had this year has been that in previous years we've always developed on PS2 and Xbox first and then ported up so we could up-res everything. This year we're doing it in reverse; we've actually built the game for next-gen then ported down, and stripped away what we had to strip away to have it run on Nintendo Wii and PS2. It's actually made quite a visual difference."

To read the complete interview, click here:

» NFS PS: Interview with Andrew Hahn @ IGN

» Preorder Need for Speed ProStreet at
» Preorder Need for Speed ProStreet at
 Shocker Kommentare (2)

#2: von kavit (13.09.2007 16:33) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
i no how to set my cars up

well we need 5 cars
for the race mode this is how my car r going to be set up
speed challege - extoic1
drag - extoric2 and muscle 1
drift - tunner
grip - extoic 3

tell me yrs


#1: von kavit (13.09.2007 16:32) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
wht about money and carlist

well tht was a long interview they should ask the most important Q
well they say u should have 5 cars and modify it for each race mode
dam we need a lot of money for tht and also wht about the carlist
so we can guess how much the car will cost


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