
NFS-Planet Easter Egg Search 2010 Freitag, 02.04.2010
Happy EasterThe annual easter egg search starts again at NFS-Planet! The easter bunny hid 10 easter eggs, just like the one you can see to your right.
Just browse through the site and if you can find at least 5 eggs, you get the chance to win one of the following prizes!

Whereever you find an easter egg, just click on it and it will be marked as "found". Of course you'll need a NFS-Planet account and you have to be logged in. Once you could find at least 5 eggs, you automatically participate in the raffle where you have the chance to win one of the following prizes:
  • 2x NFS Shift for PS3
  • 4x NFS Shift T-Shirt
  • 5x Bad Company Sticker
  • 3x NFS Shift Sticker
  • 3x EA Keychain

The easter egg search is only open to egg hunters until April 7th 2010. The winners will be announced a few days later.

Not registered yet? Get here a free member account!

Each person can only participate once. Registration of multiple accounts and unallowed manipulations are not permitted. A valid "discovery" of an egg is only the explicit click on an egg, which opens a popup and processes the discovery.
The winners agree that their names may be published on the NFS-Planet website.

» NFS-Planet Easter Egg Search 2010
 Shocker Kommentare (2)

#2: von C€RB€RU$ (02.04.2010 18:54) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden Webseite
Yay! Found the 5 necessary


#1: von FedskaTheOne (02.04.2010 13:41) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden Webseite
damn, one year passed so quickly, another egg search already.


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